Rally on Saturday to Save Our Trees
“We speak for the trees”
Please come to our rally for East Bellevue’s trees!
When: Saturday, Sept. 29, 10:00 AM
Where: Corner of 148th Ave and Main St in East Bellevue
This is our best chance to save 300 trees from PSE’s unnecessary and ugly power line. Better solutions are available!
PSE has installed “self-healing grid” technology in 22 neighborhoods, including downtown Bellevue. This technology would better target the main cause of power outages in our neighborhoods: trees hitting power lines. And it would preserve the valuable trees that make 148th Avenue feel like a drive in a park.
PSE prefers to build a power line that delivers higher profits to the foreign pension funds that own the company. We prefer solutions that respect our communities and the environment.
Our coalition includes neighborhood associations, environmental groups, indigenous people, the faith community, and candidates for the legislative districts containing the power lines.
Please join us! Wear orange for CENSE, blue for 350 Eastside, or green for the trees. Bring your own signs (family-friendly) if you like.
See you Saturday at 10!
Young Loraxes love trees!
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