Election information, critical meeting canceled

Energize Eastside questions are not answered

In this news update…

  • CENSE election recommendations
  • PSE cancels Energize Eastside meeting
  • PSE tries to influence elections

CENSE election recommendations

Many people have asked if CENSE will endorse candidates for city council races in the August primary. Our volunteers have spent many hours preparing for Energize Eastside public hearings and appeals. We haven’t had time to properly research candidates for the primary election.

However, we have a great plan for the general election in November. We are creating a questionnaire that will probe each candidate’s knowledge of energy issues, experience, and policy goals. Candidate responses will be graded by a very qualified committee that includes a former Bellevue council member. We will publish scores and summaries of each candidate in time to inform your vote for the fall.

Energize Eastside meeting canceled

In January, PSE scheduled a special meeting of its Technical Advisory Group to answer basic questions regarding the need for Energize Eastside. On Tuesday, PSE suddenly canceled the August 6th meeting. The company claimed it could not discuss Energize Eastside after appeals were filed questioning the decision of Bellevue’s Hearing Examiner.

This cancellation violates at least two state regulations requiring public participation in the development of PSE’s long-range Integrated Resource Plan, which must include technical information about large transmission projects. PSE has repeatedly refused to answer even basic questions, such as “Is electricity demand actually increasing on the Eastside?” and “How much will it cost?” The ten questions posed by members of the advisory group are available here.

PSE tries to influence elections

The Stranger had a great article describing the millions of dollars PSE has invested to achieve favorable political outcomes. This would be distressing enough if a local company were exerting undue influence. But in PSE’s case, the problem is compounded by the fact the company is owned by Canadian and Dutch investment firms that care more about increasing revenues than respecting community values, local elections, and quality of life for our neighborhoods and environment. To preserve our independence and a healthy environment, citizens must be aware of these attempts to influence our votes.

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