PSE asks for Higher Rates due to Lower Consumption
In a recent bill insert, PSE says it will ask the Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) to approve an increase in residential electric rates by 3.5%. PSE says decreasing customer electricity usage is one reason why the company needs to raise rates.

However, PSE claims its “Energize Eastside” transmission project is needed to serve growing demand for electricity during cold winter weather. This forecast was rejected last year by an independent analyst engaged by the City of Newcastle. The consultant found no need for the project to serve a winter scenario.
Do you see the contradiction? Today PSE wants to increase our rates because customers are using less electricity. In the near future, PSE will ask to raise rates again to recover over $80 million the company has spent to promote Energize Eastside, based on the assumption that the Eastside is consuming more electricity. PSE refuses to disclose data showing Eastside demand trends during the past decade.
Energize Eastside appears to be an expensive and unnecessary boondoggle that should have been abandoned years ago. Now is the time to ask the UTC to reject higher electric rates until PSE becomes more transparent about Eastside demand. We want PSE to abandon Energize Eastside and invest in modern technologies that would increase reliability while keeping energy bills reasonable.
CENSE encourages you to submit comments before or during the rate hearing on Tuesday, April 20, at 6pm.
- By email to the Attorney General before the hearing: [email protected] (reference Docket UE-200980)
- By web form to the UTC before the hearing (reference Docket UE-200980)
- By phone or computer during the hearing on April 20. Please email CENSE at [email protected] for additional instructions. Verbal testimony is powerful, but you should know about a pre-registration list and time limitations.
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