Update – May 2020
The debate over PSE’s “Energize Eastside” transmission line project continues, although the virus outbreak has slowed things down. We continue to prepare for the crucial land use hearing in the City of Newcastle. The city has postponed the hearing until an undetermined date when it will be safe for large numbers of participants to attend.
Here are a few recent developments:
- CENSE is preparing for our appeal of Bellevue’s decision in King County Superior Court. A preliminary “preview” hearing was held on May 22, 2020. The full hearing will be on August 14, 2020
- CENSE delivered nine 3-inch thick binders to the court. A group of CENSE volunteers copied and assembled the case records, saving our members over four thousand dollars compared to the costs quoted by the City of Bellevue. (As the appellant, CENSE was obligated to pay, one way or the other.)
- CENSE reviewed a draft study produced by an independent consultant for the City of Newcastle. The consultant validated the longstanding CENSE position that there is no need for Energize Eastside in the winter. However, the consultant found the grid might need to be strengthened if a hypothetical emergency were to occur during the hottest days of summer. CENSE will continue to work with experts to understand and respond to the reduced scope of the project.
What’s next?
Although we expect the final hearing for the south segment of Energize Eastside will occur in Newcastle this year, legal challenges may continue for months or years to follow. In the meantime, modern alternatives have become more capable and cheaper than a transmission line. Your moral and financial support allows us to continue our pursuit of a more reasonable solution for our neighborhood and future generations.
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